Vitamin D is an important nutrient that works with calcium to help build bones and keep them strong. Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing health problems like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and thinning bones.
Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when we're outside in the sun. So, many kids get enough vitamin D naturally from being outdoors during daily activities, such as walking, biking, or playing sports.
But sometimes the body doesn't make enough vitamin D. While sunscreen helps protect kids from the sun's harmful rays, it also blocks some of the sun the body uses
to make vitamin D. And it can be hard to get
enough of this nutrient from our diets because few foods contain it naturally.
Luckily, many foods are fortified (have vitamin D added), and supplements are available for kids who still need more vitamin D.
What is the advice?
With more people staying indoors during the pandemic, some may have been deprived of vitamin D. Normally, many of us get it by spending time outside. Our skin makes it when exposed to the sun.
The NHS says people should consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day if they are spending a lot of time indoors.
Scottish and Welsh governments and Northern Ireland's Public Health Agency issued similar advice during lockdown.
Can Vitamin D stop coronavirus?
Italy, Spain, the UK, China and some parts of North America all have a high proportion of the population with vitamin D deficiency. These countries also have significantly higher numbers of COVID-19 deaths. Other countries in the same region such as Norway, Denmark and Finland have lower COVID-19 mortality rates, but higher levels of vitamin D in the population as supplementation and fortification of food in these countries is common.
It has also been highlighted that people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds make up a large proportion of patients with severe COVID-19 requiring intensive care in the UK. Low concentration of vitamin D in BAME people in the northern hemisphere may contribute to a greater risk, however, infants and children of all ethnic backgrounds who are often vitamin D deficient don’t have a greater risk of COVID-19.
Buy vitamin D supplements or vitamin D3 drops containing vitamin D at our awakening & growth range